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How is Omega-3 is Beneficial in Covid-19

How is Omega-3 is Beneficial in Covid-19

Since the Covid 19 pandemic hit the world and forced everyone to reside in their home and live their life passively, many things have changed. Much has come as a paradigm shift in the world ever since the pandemic started, but one thing which remains common among the general public, and that question is “How to keep your immunity good enough to save yourself from Coronavirus?”

You must’ve heard medical professionals and nutritionists advising various foods and supplements to strengthen your Immunity. Omega-3 is one of the most advised by medical professionals. In a recent study, Omega-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), alpha-linolenic acid showed effectiveness in increasing stabilizing cell membrane, regulating immune function, blocking hyperinflammatory reactions, and reducing the incidence of Systematic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), and complications of infection.

In research done by National Centre for Biotechnology Information, U.S National Library of Medicine, Omega-3 is found to be beneficial to people during the pandemic. The study conducted by researchers was to determine the “anti-inflammatory properties of DHA and EPA in airway epithelial cells infected with Rhinovirus”

The study stated that the Omega-3 can incorporate throughout the body into the bi-phospholipid layer of the cell membrane which leads to the production of fewer pro-inflammatory mediators compared to other fatty acids that are more prevalent in the Western diet.

Particularly, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid have the anti-inflammatory property, immunomodulating, possible anti-viral effects that are beneficial to the immunity against Coronavirus or any other similar viruses.

In a different study, it was found out that with Omega-3 supplementation, many of the parameters of respiratory and renal functions on critically ill patients with Covid-19 were significantly improved.

Let’s know something about why Omega-3 is considered as helpful against covid and good for immunity.

As scientifically, it has been found that EPA and DHA are good sources for anti-inflammation needed by the body. Here we need a little background to understand how it works. To understand it, first, you should know the functioning of EPA and DHA in the body.

Particularly, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid have the anti-inflammatory property, immunomodulating, possible anti-viral effects that are beneficial to the immunity against Coronavirus or any other similar viruses.

SO, some immune cells produce some kind of protein called Cytokine, which is responsible for attracting other immune cells. Cytokines come in different forms and affect cells of different types. If these proteins are produced in excess, it can cause inflammation the result of which may be seen as swelling, pain, and fever. It may also cause heavy damage to organs. In some cases, there could be a total failure. Cytokine and EPA & DHA have an inverse relationship with each other. People who have a higher level of EPA and DHA in their blood have a lower level of Cytokine in their bodies. Also, to drop the Cytokine level down, Omega-3 supplements are given – it indicates that immune and inflammatory cells make and secrete less Cytokine when Omega-3 is being administered.

Until now, you must’ve understood how Omega-3 helps you boost your immunity and helps in times of pandemic because of its anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory properties. It’s also a natural and inexpensive source of immunity booster. Having said that, Coronavirus is a serious issue for humanity and you have to take care of all types of precautions to be safe. Immunity is indeed needed, but as someone said “Precaution is better than cure.” So, we must need to work at all fronts altogether.

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    Maria Johanson

    February 4, 2018

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      Mia Wiolo

      February 4, 2018

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    Roberta Paolo

    February 4, 2018

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