
Aperiri vivendum has in. Eu fabellas deseruisse mea, hinc solum tractatos vim ad, ut quem voluptua nam. Ei graeci oblique perci.

Life in Balance with high Omega 3 absorption

The BalanceOil is a blend of Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, with specially selected extra virgin olive oil with a high content of polyphenols. BalanceOil safely adjusts and maintains EPA and DHA levels and the Omega-6:3 balance in your body.

EPA and DHA are essential building blocks for the human body to produce anti-inflammatory hormones that are resolving inflammation.

BalanceOil supports a normal brain function and normal heart function, and a normal function of the immune system.

The road to a healthy life

Testimonials from Customers

I am now 34 years old and I have had Chrones disease for 8 years. I couldn’t live a normal life, I couldn’t work much. I spent my days mostly in the bathroom and couldn’t make any plans. My stomach hurt and pretty much nothing that I ate stayed in. 5 years ago I got introduced to Balance oil and my life has changed after that. Nowadays I feel totally different and I don’t have any bowell symptoms. My Chrones disease has been in a remission phase for a long time now and I haven’t needed medicine for 3 years. Life is good without pain and worry. I’m super happy and grateful!
Suvi Jurvelius, 2019
As an athlete, Zinzino’s BalanceOil is something I never go a day without. It is essential for my body’s recovery and gives me a performance edge. Xtend protects and bolsters my immune system so I’m able to perform from competition to competition. In my job, I travel a lot so as a quick snack I always keep some chocolate-flavored protein in my bag. My first BalanceTest was 7,8:1, and my second was 2,8:1.
-Gerd Kanter, World Champion & Olympic Winner, Discus Thrower (World champion 2007 World Championships in Athletics in Osaka. Olympic Winner 2008 Beijing Olympics)
As a former top basketball player and coach in the Soviet Union, I use BalanceOil to make sure my body always stays in balance, I can´t afford any less. I’m 70 years old and have never felt so healthy as I do today! I have taken the BalanceOil daily for 2 years and noticed major improvements in my joints, I´m Happy! My first BalanceTest was 6.1:1, and my second was 1.6:1.
Jaak Salumet, President of Estonian Basketball Association

We ara a local trading company with a focus on Test-Based Nutrition.

Phone us: +971 (0)58 950 4330



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